My company’s management is not interested in climate change and planet action. What can I do?

Oftentimes managers are not concerned (or too concerned) about sustainability efforts because they believe they are harmful to their “bottom line”, their business success. But the opposite is true.

Planet action will result into higher reputation, brand value and employee satisfaction. It will substantially drive customer retention, the speed of innovation, cost reductions, organizational agility and risk management, as you can see in the chart below

So most of the time it is also a question of finding the right arguments and a good timing for getting management buy-in. On top, when employees request their management to take action in a specific direction, they usually have more influence than they think.

We will support you in getting management’s attention and buy-in for the process, providing you with solid evidence-based arguments and frontrunner examples from your industry that will resonate with your management. We will also make sure to highlight that there is always a starting point somewhere. We don`t need to turn the whole company around in a first step; we can start with solutions that can be developed first in interested pilot divisions, subsidiaries or locations, harvesting the “low handing fruits” first.


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