What do planetgroups actually do?

Most of the time, planetgroups will not actually do the sustainability work themselves – they support those who have the specific topic within in their job description. So for example managing or changing contractors in order to reduce the footprint in the supply chain will stay with the procurement department, or heating of offices and production facilities will stay with facility management. But planetgroups will add value, energy, encouragement, ideas and motivation to those who are in charge.

planetgroups may therefore act as motivators, initiators, facilitators, accelerators,

challengers, networkers, multipliers, supporters, organizers, or in many other roles. But they do not become part of the formal decision making structure for any given subject – they draw their power from their purpose, their energy, their communication skills, and from the business rationale behind them. Members of a planetgroup only take part in executing a specific planet project whenever their own job descriptions are concerned.


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