What does your marketing support look like?

Companies benefit from their planet action in terms of costs, innovation, employee engagement, customer retention, supply chain resilience and brand development. On top, their action creates and scales a momentum for even more planet action by their suppliers and competitors, making it easier for politics and industry associations to follow suit and also raise the bar when it comes to sustainability in general. Hence, marketing planet action serves both the companies, and the transformation of the system as such.

As the NGO supporting planetgroups and their companies, we therefore go to great lengths to spread the word of any planet action we witness. We do this through our Social Media Accounts, through our Website and our collaboration platform the PlaNet, we do it through press and media work, and we do it by individually sharing and consulting on benchmark activities and best practice results which we hear about. All of that surely only takes place once and if the companies involved agree to us doing so.


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